Whether you’re a freelancer, a consultant, coach or some other kind of solo professional, you have a personal brand.
Your personal brand determines how your clients, prospects and peers see you. What they think of you.
Your brand is a jigsaw of different influences – how you appear online, what you say, what it’s like to work with you, and what you do.
Most solo professionals take a pretty casual approach to personal branding. Their brand, such as it is, is largely accidental.
But smart individuals take a more deliberate approach.
Let’s take a look at what that might involve…
Have you defined your personal brand, or are you “undifferentiated”?
One important thing you need to do with your brand is separate yourself from the crowd.
You can’t afford to appear ordinary, or blend into a crowd of competitors.
You need to stand out as being different and exceptional in one or two important ways.
In the words of author, Jack Trout… Differentiate or Die.
To get a sense of whether you brand is different enough, go though your website, your LinkedIn profile and social media streams.
Does your brand stand out? Is it consistent? Does it represent who you really are, and how you want to be seen?
If you have trouble being objective with this process, ask a few friends and colleagues to give you their feedback. Honest feedback.
Presenting your true self as your personal brand is a powerful option.
For the longest time, differentiation was driven by “what” people did or offered their clients.
“I’m different because I offer design as well as writing services.”
“I’m different because I serve this very particular and narrow niche.”
But as each market becomes more and more crowded and saturated – and noise levels increase – differentiating your personal brand based on “what” you do is becoming harder and harder.
Far better to differentiate yourself based on “who” you are.
After all, while others can copy WHAT you do… they can’t copy WHO you are. They can’t be you.
Only you can do that.
Pitch your personal brand honestly, without hype or marketing speak.
If you’re going to build your personal brand around yourself and your character, you have to be mindful about the language you use.
When you’re selling “what” it is you do, you can use traditional marketing language. You can even be aggressive in how you position those services.
But when you’re selling the “who”… when you’re selling yourself, you can no longer afford to do that.
To build and protect a personal brand that’s based on your values as a person, you have to tone down the sales talk.
You have to talk less like a salesperson and more like the person you really are.
You have to put aside the marketing-speak and start selling yourself in everyday language.
Pitch yourself by being the most persuasive version of your true self.
And that is the promise of conversational copywriting.
Persuasion, without the hype.
When you’re not a writer learning how to write is hard! When you’re in this learning phase responding to various writers and coaches takes TIME. Twenty years ago at the age of 50 you discovered to have ADHD writing is like holding your breathe under water and trying to write. When you have a “CALLING” and a life changing idea for a book comes to mind you’re first thought is “WHY ME”. I’ve tried to find that small niche every writer tells you to find but if I’m compelled to write for the BIGGER picture what do you do. I’m troubled but PUSHED to go ahead even though funds are low. NICK, I want to tell you of an experience that happened not to long after my “CALLING”. On a Sunday 4:30am I got up and started watching a program on TV about a gentleman who was CEO of TAJ Hotels talking about his dog and how much respect he has gained in life of his family, friends and business associates because of his love for this GOLDEN RETRIEVER. At the end of the interview he said: “To me dogs are like Angels with tails” I liked his ending, told my wife and got ready for church for 7am Mass. While standing at one part A DOG, yes a dog walked by me, turned and went down the pew to the other aisle, turned and walked 2 pews past my aisle, turned and walked through the pew 2 rows behind us and then walked past me again and proceeded to walk out the door. I’ve told that story a number of times and always people-friends and quiet and amazed. The gentleman was talking about a book titled: “Racing in the Rain” which I just saw a trailer this week of a movie. That is why I try to have a clear head of the direction I’m going and a conversational voice. Hope and Thank you for more of your thoughts on writing. Raymond Comeau Title of book (1ST) “What Bad We Do” (tentative)
Thanks Nick. Great insight for something I have only casually paid attention to since starting my consulting business this year. I always look forward to reading your posts. Valuable stuff. No fluff.
Glad you found the post helpful. And thank you for the kind words. : )