I’m not the only one to figure out the persuasive power of conversational copywriting.
I wasn’t the first either.
But I am different from most. Not all. But most.
How so?
Because so many “conversational” writers and marketers write to an audience “as if” they were friends.
And that’s not what I’m talking about, advocating or teaching. Not at all.
I’m suggesting that you write to them AS their friend.
Big difference.
Here’s what the other guys do…
I imagine, like me, you sign up for a free PDF download from time to time. Or for a free trial.
You get your freebie, and then the deluge of promotional emails begins.
And right from the first moment, they’re written in a way that assumes a level of friendship that just doesn’t exist yet. And probably never will.
“Hey Nick! It’s so cool to be connected. But I noticed you haven’t signed up for our new webinar series yet. Seriously, I could never forgive myself if I let you miss this amazing opportunity.”
You know the kind of thing.
It has a “pretend buddy” feel to it.
The author is writing AS IF he’s your friend. AS IF he’d never forgive himself.
But it’s not the real deal. He’s just pretending.
And while his audience may open up to his “conversational” tone for a little while, they won’t be fooled for long.
They’ll figure out he doesn’t really care.
True conversational marketers are advocates for their audience.
If you want to take the conversational approach with your marketing, there are a couple of basic requirements.
First, you have to sell something you care about and believe in. Being truly conversational means being open and transparent. And that can be a challenge if you don’t have much faith in your own product or service!
Second, you need to respect your audience… your prospects and your customers.
You need to care about them. You should want your product or service to add value to their lives in a real way.
If you’re on board for both of these requirements, you’re ready to get conversational.
More specifically, you’re ready to write in a way that shows you truly respect, like and value your readers.
Remember, that’s worlds apart from writing AS IF you respect, like and value your readers.
As conversational copywriters we keep it open, honest and real.
NOTE: Find out more about the full course on Conversational Copywriting here…
Hi Nick–
You’re right. The pretend buddy thing always makes me run hard in the other direction. To me, that’s just as intrusive and inauthentic as selling steak knives on late night TV.
The only answer? Actually BE their friend. Respect, as you say. It should flow throughout the copy. It’s the true route to know-like-trust!
Thanks, Nick.
There is someone who says Write as if talking to your best friend. Well, my best friend would not be happy if I was always selling… but when I choose to share a product, it’s because I love the product and know she would have some interest. It’s simple. But it’s conversational and far from selling.
The AS IF scenario is fake.
The other one that drives me crazy is when I sign up for someone’s newsletter and the next thing I know, I get a note with a subject line “your website looks like shit”. That isn’t even AS IF. That’s just I’m smarter than you. ARGH!
I called her on it. She didn’t like that either. She might be a great writer, might not, but I’ll never do business with her.
I love that you called her on it. We should all do that. : )
Thank you Nick. This one sentence says it all to me.
“You need to care about them. You should want your product or service to add value to their lives in a very real way. “
This is the I want to run my business.