
Two female colleagues in conversation about SEO

[Note: This post was written using Gemini Advanced 2.0 Flash as my co-pilot. Why? Because it knows some stuff I don’t.]

In 2025, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just about text anymore. It’s about multimodal search, encompassing voice, images, video, and even augmented reality. And at the heart of success in this multimodal world lies conversational search.

The shift towards conversational search is accelerating, and search engines are adapting by prioritizing content that answers questions naturally and directly. This is where conversational copywriting becomes crucial.

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When I talk about the conversational approach to copywriting, some of my peers think I’m doing writers and marketers a disservice.

They believe the direct sales approach will always be more effective, and that my “softer”, conversational approach is somehow just a feel-good compromise.

I’m happy to report they are wrong!

When done well, conversational copywriting can be way more effective than hard-selling, pushy sales copy.

To support my position, I recently asked ChatGPT to analyse dozens of testimonials and case studies from alumni of my course, Conversational Copywriting. GPT-4 is really good at that… analyzing large bodies of text in search of patterns.

Here are three of the benefits it identified:

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I created this image with the midjourney AI tool, using the prompt: 1950s style robot, sitting at desk, writing with pen and paper. nostalgic look and setting, in color

You’ve almost certainly heard the buzz about ChatGPT, the AI writer and copywriter.

Maybe you’ve tried it out a few times.

It’s amazing, and scary too. A lot of writers and copywriters are worried that tools like this will steal their jobs.

I get it. At first sight, I had the same worries. I asked it to write me an email, a blog post and a simple sales page. It did a pretty good job with each. Ouch!

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Social media has the potential to be incredibly powerful.

Through platforms like Twitter you really can engage with an audience in real time. You can be truly social and conversational.

Sadly, this isn’t how most companies and individuals use social media.

Most companies send out tweets or publish Facebook posts as a way to promote their own products or services.

They buy a lot of social media ads. They use automated tools to schedule tweets and posts days, weeks or even months in advance.

And they barely engage at all.

In other words, most companies use social media platforms simply as one more broadcast medium. Nothing social about that.

That’s a pity, because social media has so much more to offer.

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People listening to audio content with headphones.
People holding musical icons

Talking to each other is the most fundamental of all means of communication.

Go back a few tens of thousands of years, and you won’t find any communications technologies beyond simply talking to each other.

This is why audio is so deep-rooted in our psyches. Studies suggest that when we hear someone’s voice, the brain releases oxytocin – the hormone of love, trust, and empathy.

We love to listen, and we want to be heard. Even more, we love to be part of a community where we can both listen and be heard.

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Truth be told, sometimes being a great communicator isn’t about writing at all.

You can be in the presence of a great communicator while listening to an amazing TED talk, or in a classroom.

The same could happen while in conversation with a colleague or friend over coffee or a drink. It’s not just professional writers and speakers who have this gift.

What does it take to be a great communicator?

Four qualities jump to mind.

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