Moments of silence are an essential part of every good conversation.

Take your pick. I cover the same ground in both the video and the text on this page.

Some people prefer video. Others prefer reading.

Still reading?

OK then. Let’s start with a real-life conversation.

There are a couple of reasons why we pause when talking.

One reason is to place emphasis on what we just said.

The second reason, and the most common one, is that we pause as a signal that it’s the other person’s turn to start talking.

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If you want to be told the truth, read more ads.

Relaxing by the sea

Well, that sounds crazy.

Ads on TV are honest? Junk mail? Popups on my computer screen?

Pretty much.

That’s one of the roles of the Federal Trade Commission in the USA. To make sure advertisers don’t lie about their products or services. And they’re pretty strict about it too.

Most western countries have equivalent organizations.

As marketers we’re not allowed to spread lies.

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