
conversational copywriting

The web is not and never has been a one-way medium where companies get to talk AT an audience.

It’s a two-way medium. Our audiences are as active online as we are.

They get to talk as well… among themselves… to us… and about us.
This has a huge impact on how companies should pitch their products and services online.

And that, in turn, has a huge impact on we, as copywriters, use our craft.

Here, in no particular order, are 7 attributes that make conversational copywriting different… and make it the perfect fit for online marketers.

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At school we are taught to write properly. Our work is marked and graded. Grammar matters. And so on.

But when we talk with our friends, we don’t worry about that stuff.

We’ll talk in fragments of sentences. We’ll start sentences with the word “and”. We’ll end sentences with prepositions.

We don’t worry about the structure of our sentences or paragraphs. Not that we really speak in paragraphs.

The point being, when we communicate through writing, everything is more formal, more structured, more correct.

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