
Three friends drinking coffee and laughing

The world of copywriting has changed dramatically in the last year. Every day, I hear from writers who are both fascinated and concerned by the rise of AI writing tools. And their clients? They’re increasingly skeptical of everything they read online.

“Is this written by a human or a machine?” That’s the question more and more people are asking when they land on a website or open a marketing email.

And who can blame them? AI-generated content is everywhere. Some of it is pretty good. Some of it is terrible. But almost all of it shares one critical flaw – it lacks authentic human connection.

This is where you, as a human writer, have an incredible opportunity.

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When I talk about the conversational approach to copywriting, some of my peers think I’m doing writers and marketers a disservice.

They believe the direct sales approach will always be more effective, and that my “softer”, conversational approach is somehow just a feel-good compromise.

I’m happy to report they are wrong!

When done well, conversational copywriting can be way more effective than hard-selling, pushy sales copy.

To support my position, I recently asked ChatGPT to analyse dozens of testimonials and case studies from alumni of my course, Conversational Copywriting. GPT-4 is really good at that… analyzing large bodies of text in search of patterns.

Here are three of the benefits it identified:

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Friends showing empathy

In the words of GPT-4, “AI can mimic empathy to a certain degree, but cannot genuinely empathize with a human in the way humans empathize with each other”.

No AI can feel the emotions we feel. They can read the text of Romeo and Juliet, or the script for Sleepless in Seattle… and then mimic the emotion of love. But they cannot feel love.

They can’t love a person, or even care about that person. Whether a person is happy or sad means nothing to an AI.

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Truth be told, sometimes being a great communicator isn’t about writing at all.

You can be in the presence of a great communicator while listening to an amazing TED talk, or in a classroom.

The same could happen while in conversation with a colleague or friend over coffee or a drink. It’s not just professional writers and speakers who have this gift.

What does it take to be a great communicator?

Four qualities jump to mind.

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When you meet someone new, you have a conversation. Maybe starting with, “Hi, I’m Nick. Good to meet you.”

These first conversations take place at work, at a coffee shop, at your local gym, at a friend’s backyard BBQ. And so on.

However trivial their content, conversations lay the foundations for our relationships.

What we say to people creates a first impression. Good or bad.

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Two people having a respectful conversation.

I hate reading articles and posts written by experts.

Well… maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

But I do hate reading articles where it feels like the writer is looking down his nose at me.

Writers like that remind me of the kind of teacher who barely even acknowledges students in his classroom. He just talks and instructs… expecting his students to remain quiet, and soak up his infinite wisdom.

We’re exposed to this kind of writing all the time.

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