
Three friends drinking coffee and laughing

The world of copywriting has changed dramatically in the last year. Every day, I hear from writers who are both fascinated and concerned by the rise of AI writing tools. And their clients? They’re increasingly skeptical of everything they read online.

“Is this written by a human or a machine?” That’s the question more and more people are asking when they land on a website or open a marketing email.

And who can blame them? AI-generated content is everywhere. Some of it is pretty good. Some of it is terrible. But almost all of it shares one critical flaw – it lacks authentic human connection.

This is where you, as a human writer, have an incredible opportunity.

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Social media has the potential to be incredibly powerful.

Through platforms like Twitter you really can engage with an audience in real time. You can be truly social and conversational.

Sadly, this isn’t how most companies and individuals use social media.

Most companies send out tweets or publish Facebook posts as a way to promote their own products or services.

They buy a lot of social media ads. They use automated tools to schedule tweets and posts days, weeks or even months in advance.

And they barely engage at all.

In other words, most companies use social media platforms simply as one more broadcast medium. Nothing social about that.

That’s a pity, because social media has so much more to offer.

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People listening to audio content with headphones.
People holding musical icons

Talking to each other is the most fundamental of all means of communication.

Go back a few tens of thousands of years, and you won’t find any communications technologies beyond simply talking to each other.

This is why audio is so deep-rooted in our psyches. Studies suggest that when we hear someone’s voice, the brain releases oxytocin – the hormone of love, trust, and empathy.

We love to listen, and we want to be heard. Even more, we love to be part of a community where we can both listen and be heard.

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Holding hands as a sign of trust

I’m in the early stages of preparing a presentation for an audience of therapists, coaches and other solo business owners who depend on the trust of their clients.

Part of my focus will be on writing a strong homepage headline.

The headline on your homepage is a big deal.

It does a lot of the heavy lifting for your site.

It’s often the first thing people read when they arrive at your site.

And in the same way that people will judge a book by its cover, prospective clients will likely judge your practice by the message you share on your homepage.

No pressure!

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Don't shout when having a conversation

Desperate marketers resort to cranking up the volume in their advertising.

If they’re not getting the results they want, they shout louder and more often, and in more places.

But, as they eventually discover to their cost, shouting louder doesn’t work.

It’s almost as if they’re saying, “Hey people, it seems you’re not hearing what I’m telling you… so I’m going to have to shout louder!!!”

But the problem isn’t that they aren’t being loud enough. Their problem is that they’re pitching the wrong message.

A message people don’t want to hear.

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Sales copy detox for copywriters

If you are a small business owner or founder, this post if for you.

It’s for entrepreneurs who went through the thrill and heartache of creating a new business.

It’s for business owners who remember the heady days when it all began.

It’s for the creators who sat down and wrote their own websites and sales copy in preparation for launch day.

If you’re a freelance copywriter or agency, this post is for you too. Use it to review the marketing copy you write for your clients. Or the copy other people wrote before you arrived on the scene.

Let’s get started, and look at those 3 signs your copy needs a detox and cleanse right now.

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