
Three friends drinking coffee and laughing

The world of copywriting has changed dramatically in the last year. Every day, I hear from writers who are both fascinated and concerned by the rise of AI writing tools. And their clients? They’re increasingly skeptical of everything they read online.

“Is this written by a human or a machine?” That’s the question more and more people are asking when they land on a website or open a marketing email.

And who can blame them? AI-generated content is everywhere. Some of it is pretty good. Some of it is terrible. But almost all of it shares one critical flaw – it lacks authentic human connection.

This is where you, as a human writer, have an incredible opportunity.

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Holding hands as a sign of trust

I’m in the early stages of preparing a presentation for an audience of therapists, coaches and other solo business owners who depend on the trust of their clients.

Part of my focus will be on writing a strong homepage headline.

The headline on your homepage is a big deal.

It does a lot of the heavy lifting for your site.

It’s often the first thing people read when they arrive at your site.

And in the same way that people will judge a book by its cover, prospective clients will likely judge your practice by the message you share on your homepage.

No pressure!

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Conversational copywriting is stress-free and more fun

Funny thing.

A little while back I emailed a question to some alumni of the Conversational Copywriting course.

I wanted to know if they felt the course had changed anything for them. Was this just “another course”, or had it made a real difference?

I got some encouraging answers to that question, which I’ll be writing about in a future post.

But I also got feedback I hadn’t asked about at all.

This is a big deal, because so many people made the exact same point… without me even asking about it.

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Conversational copywriting for service-based businesses

What do I mean by a “high-trust, relationship-based business”?

Here are a few examples…

You’re a life coach or business coach, consultant, freelancer, speaker, trainer, naturopath, yoga or fitness instructor, interior decorator or tree surgeon… and so on.

If your work brings you into direct contact with your customers and clients, consider yourself included.

Consider yourself excluded if you sell coffee mugs, shampoo, bicycles and most of the other stuff in and around your home.

There’s a key difference here.

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Making the pitch for conversational copywriting

If you’re going to pitch your clients or partners on the benefits of conversational copywriting, it will help if you have some solid arguments lined up and ready to go.

Fortunately, the conversational approach is rich with key points of difference and advantage.

This is particularly true when you’re competing with copywriters or marketers who are still hanging onto the traditional, broadcast approach to copywriting.

The old-school approach may still work for old media like TV and radio, but it has no place online.

Let’s explore just 5 of the ways you can power up your pitch when you’re talking about conversational copywriting.

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In conversation with colleagues

For many small business owners, the true motivation behind their business is to do some good for the world.

These are heart-centered companies.

And they face a unique challenge when it comes to marketing their products and services.

How hard can they push in their marketing materials?

On the one hand, they need to drive sales. They have to attract new customers. If they don’t, their business will fail.

And heart-centered or not, a failed business doesn’t do anyone any good.


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