Two female colleagues in conversation about SEO

[Note: This post was written using Gemini Advanced 2.0 Flash as my co-pilot. Why? Because it knows some stuff I don’t.]

In 2025, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just about text anymore. It’s about multimodal search, encompassing voice, images, video, and even augmented reality. And at the heart of success in this multimodal world lies conversational search.

The shift towards conversational search is accelerating, and search engines are adapting by prioritizing content that answers questions naturally and directly. This is where conversational copywriting becomes crucial.

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Three friends in conversation

The real power of conversational copywriting lies in identifying the conversations your prospects really want to have.

All too often it’s the marketer who decides on the topic of the conversation.

“We want to talk about our new product launch.”

“We want our prospects to engage with us in conversation about the amazing services we offer.”

Well… that’s not being truly conversational, is it?

Conversation is as much about listening as it is about talking.

It’s about taking turns. 

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The rise of conversational copywriting, with two robots talking

When they read my writing on conversational copywriting, some marketers think I’m talking about a soft, nice-to-have skill.

They see the conversational approach is being attractive, but optional.

I think they’re totally wrong.

From what I’m seeing, conversational copywriting is fast becoming an essential marketing skill. Not an option, but a necessity.

And the need for conversational copywriting isn’t being driven by me or any other individual. It’s being driven by some massive technology trends that show no signs of slowing down any time soon.

Let’s take a look at these trends one by one.

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Conversational voice search

I got an email recently from someone who told me that conversational copywriting was all very nice, but wouldn’t work for search engine optimization.

He told me that the unique structure of organic search terms would never be a good fit for conversational writing.


Well… he’s totally, absolutely wrong.

He clearly hasn’t heard of or given much thought to the meteoric growth of voice search.

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